Building with Paper Exhibition Düren
The exhibition is ”made“ of paper and cardboard! A team of young creatives, designers and architects has worked in long, very elaborate work the results of the project in the field of experimental process and systematized for the presentation to a public audience.
From April to November 2021, the exhibition was presented to an international audience as part of the Architecture Biennale in Venice and was very well received for the topic but also the exhibition concept itself and was awarded with a prize.
The exhibition has now found its way back to Germany from the Venice Biennale to the
Paper Museum in Düren. The exhibits, which all originate from the processes of the ”BAMP!“ research project, were merely qualitatively revised for the transfer from Venice to Düren.
The exhibition concept was completely redesigned for the modern Papiermuseum Düren in order to adapt to the new context. The exhibits are presented in a modular support system, an elemental shelving system made of paper tubes.
This exhibition is also part of the objective to drive forward a new way of thinking around the topic of building with paper and to eradicate the material’s current image as a makeshift material.
The exhibition is almost entirely made of paper and cardboard, and therefore in itself shows a solution for building with paper in the current context.
- The „Building with Paper“ exhibition is on display from March 6 to October 9, 2022 as part of the temporary exhibition in the Paper Museum Düren, Germany
- The exhibition team:
Ariel Auslender, Nina Christl, Veruschka Janouschkowetz, Fabian Luttropp, Manuel Pfänder, Jannis Protzmann, Tim Sarbacher, Rita Somfalvy, Marco Volkmann, Andrea Wittmann - » papiermuseum-dueren.de «